domenica 28 gennaio 2007

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche
dal sito :
Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a well-known lama from Nyagchu area, Lithang County, Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (eastern Tibet), was detained on April 7, 2002, at the age of 55. His lead efforts were focused on building monasteries, schools and homes for the poor. He was arrested for alleged "incitement to separatism" and "crimes of terror" and sentenced to death on December 2, 2002 with a two-year reprieve. Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was held incommunicado for eight months until the day of his trial. After his sentencing, he reportedly began a hunger strike to protest his treatment in detention, which sources say has included torture, and because Chinese authorities have denied him a fair trial.
Politically motivated arrest
The circumstances surrounding this case indicate that the prosecution of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was politically motivated and has not met minimum standards of due process. He built monasteries, schools and homes for the elderly in his community in eastern Tibet. His leadership outside the Communist Party made him a political target. To date, the Chinese authorities have not produced any credible evidence of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's involvement in the explosions. A smuggled tape made by Tenzin Delek Rinpoche asserted, "Whatever the authorities do and say, I am innocent."
On January 26, 2003 the Sichuan Provincial Court rejected Tenzin Delek's appeal and executed his alleged co-conspirator, Lobsang Dhondup, on that same day. On January 26, 2005, the second anniversary of his appeal rejection, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's death sentence was commuted to life in prison. However, the case has yet to be resolved justly.
Despite appeals by the international community, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche is still serving an unjust life sentence in Chuandong Prison in Sichuan Province and is reportedly being treated for heart disease. ICT calls for the immediate release of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche - Take Action!
January 26 marks the 4th anniversary of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's shocking arrest for his alleged involvement in a series of unsolved bombings in Eastern Tibet. Along with Lobsang Dhondup, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was arrested and sentenced to death for "incitement to separatism" and "crimes of terror". Twenty-eight year-old Lobsang Dhondup was summarily executed by China in January 2003, but international outrage saw Tenzin Delek's death sentence commuted to life imprisonment in 2005.
You can voice your support for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's release by downloading and signing this petition that will be sent to Mr. Li Zhaoxing, the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs. (An online petition will be made available on this website shortly!) :
Watch this inspiring movie about Tenzin Delek Rinpoche by Students for a Free Tibet, at:
(dal sito
Nato a Litang, nel Sichuan, nel 1950, Tenzin Delek è stato protagonista, nella sua provincia, di battaglie ambientaliste, sociali e religiose. Dal 1982 al 1987 visse in India, dove studiò sotto la supervisione del Dalai Lama, il leader tibetano in esilio dal 1951. Dal suo maestro venne riconosciuto come "tulku", ovvero lama reincarnato. Tornato in Cina nel 1987, Tenzin Delek fondò monasteri, ospedali, scuole e orfanotrofi ma i suoi rapporti con le autorità cinesi si guastarono nel 1993, quando si oppose ai tentativi di disboscamento attuati dal governo nelle aree tibetane. Arrestato nell'aprile 2002 con un altro monaco, Lobsang Dhondup, 28 anni, i due vennero accusati dell'attentato avvenuto agli inizi di quello stesso mese nella piazza principale di Chengdu, capoluogo della provincia del Sichuan. I due monaci furono entrambi condannati a morte il 2 dicembre 2002 ma il 26 gennaio 2003 la sentenza venne eseguita solo per Lobsang Dhondup; Tenzin Delek si vide sospendere la condanna per due anni. Nel gennaio 2005, a seguito delle fortissime pressioni internazionali, la condanna a morte è stata commutata nel carcere a vita.
Il punto di vista di Emilz
A rimetterci la vita fu Dhondup, adesso (di nuovo) Tenzin Delek. E' inaudita la persecuzione dilagante nei confronti dei Tibetani. Cesserà mai questa inutile violenza? Intanto la vita continua...
Emilz, l'osservatore.

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